Lars Spresny

“Trust in the employees and their solution competence leads to the best results.”

For me, the individual and the team are always in the focus. As a leader, I serve as a coach and enabler for my employees.


  • Born in Dortmund, living in Hamburg for many years, being married, having one daughter, being a competitive table tennis player and a passionate sailor.
  • Completed an engineering degree (Dipl.-Ing.) in vehicle design, specialized in body design, at the famous Fachhochschule Hamburg (now HAW, formerly Wagenbauschule).
  • Successfully managed the transition from Automotive to Aerospace and back to Automotive and knowing the best of those two worlds.

Focus and competences


Project management

  • Bid project management, bid calculation
  • Structuring and management of interdisciplinary and international large-scale projects


Business development

  • Strategy development for new business areas
  • Implementation of sales campaigns to win new customers


Quality assurance

  • Development of test processes, definition of roles and organisation of further trainings to ensure aviation customer requirements, e.g. according to AP1020


Cost reduction

  • Establishment of structures and processes for offshoring routine development tasks to e.g. India


Innovation projects

  • Development of tasks for innovative ideas, search and coordination of partners, universities and research institutions
  • Presenting at conferences

14 + 2 =

Your partner for engineering strong and smart lightweight products that are competitive in the global development market!

Let me know what I can do for you!

© ecoENGINEERING, Lars Spresny